Saturday, March 29, 2014

I See The Light

After a long search for the perfect chandelier to go in this Spanish living room with pitched wood ceiling, I found it through . This website is different from ebay in that it's a collection of private auction houses from all over the country and Europe that operate independently with their own terms, conditions and buyer's premiums. Although you can have a dashboard with liveauctioneers in which to keep track of the auctions you want to follow, you register to bid with each auction house you wish to place bids with.

The particular auction was with a company called Copake Auction Inc. I won the piece for $20 plus the buyer's 15% premium which brought it to a whopping $23. Shipping crating and sending such a large piece was not cheap, $300. However, that said, it still makes this light fixture a bargain.

This is the way it appeared as a tumbled heap on live :

Here it is installed

Yeaah! Soo pretty at night

Friday, March 28, 2014

Palette Generator

I just found this useful tool through Big Huge Labs

It generates color swatches from any image you'd like to upload.
Using this picture of a rustic cart from an estate sale, I fed it in and got this color breakdown back in swatch form. Love it.

Don't Sugarcoat It